Revolutionary War Ancestors ![]() |
David Allen | Pvt. David Leavitt, Jr. (CT) |
Samual Annis (NH) | Simeon Libby, II (ME) |
Joseph Baker, Sr (NH) | William Locke (NH) |
Issac Bassett (CT) | James McKeen (NH) |
Daniel Briggs (MA) | John Mohler (PA) |
John Clogston (NH) | Benjamin Morgan (VT) |
Capt. Timothy Corey (MA) | Heman Munson (CT) |
Ezra Crippen (MA) | Nathaniel Page (MA) |
William Dennison | Prince Phinney (MA) |
William Doty (CT) | Lt. James Purington (MA) |
Richard Eastman (NH) | Jonas Rice (MA) |
George Gywn (PA) | William Smith (NY) |
Ebenezer Hartshorn (MA) | Corporal Joseph Stevens (NY) |
Barney Hicks (MA) | Phineas Taylor (MA) |
Moses Jennison (MA) | Ebenezer Tucker |
James Jewett (MA) | Jacob Tyler, Sr. (MA) |
Morris Jones (CT) | Isaac VanWart (NY) |
Capt. Reuben Kimball (NH) | Josiah Warren (NH) |
Solomon Kittredge (MA) | Phillips White (MA) |
Asa Lapham (MA) | John Wilts (MA) |
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